Best AI Tools for Business in 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world of business. AI tools can help businesses to be more efficient, effective, and competitive.

Here are some of the best AI tools for businesses in 2023, along with their best use cases:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

  • Salesforce Einstein: Salesforce Einstein is an AI-powered CRM platform that can help businesses to automate tasks, improve customer service, and increase sales. For example, Salesforce Einstein can be used to automatically qualify leads, generate personalized marketing campaigns, and predict customer churn.
  • Zendesk AI: Zendesk AI is an AI-powered customer service platform that can help businesses to resolve customer issues more quickly and efficiently. For example, Zendesk AI can be used to automatically answer customer questions, route tickets to the right agents, and predict customer satisfaction.

Marketing and Sales

  • Jasper: Jasper is an AI-powered copywriting tool that can help businesses to write more persuasive marketing and sales copy. Jasper analyzes customer data and uses AI to generate copy that is more likely to convert customers.
  • Albert: Albert is an AI-powered email marketing platform that can help businesses to personalize their email campaigns and automate their email marketing tasks. Albert analyzes customer data and uses AI to generate personalized email segments and targeted email campaigns.

Human Resources

  • Hiretual: Hiretual is an AI-powered recruiting platform that can help businesses to find and hire the best talent. Hiretual uses AI to screen resumes, schedule interviews, and make hiring recommendations.
  • Lattice: Lattice is an AI-powered performance management platform that can help businesses to improve employee performance and engagement. Lattice uses AI to provide employees with personalized feedback and development plans.


  • Workato: Workato is an AI-powered automation platform that can help businesses to automate their business processes. Workato uses AI to connect different applications and services and automate repetitive tasks.
  • UiPath: UiPath is another AI-powered automation platform that can help businesses to automate their business processes. UiPath uses AI to create and deploy software robots that can perform tasks such as data entry, order processing, and customer service.

Other AI Tools for Businesses

  • Google Cloud Platform: Google Cloud Platform is a suite of AI tools and services that can help businesses to improve their operations and grow their business. Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of AI tools, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
  • Amazon Web Services: Amazon Web Services (AWS) is another suite of AI tools and services that can help businesses to improve their operations and grow their business. AWS offers a variety of AI tools, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.

Best practices for using AI tools in business

Here are some best practices for using AI tools in business:

  • Start small. Don’t try to automate everything at once. Start with a few simple tasks and processes. Once you have successfully automated these tasks and processes, you can gradually automate more complex tasks and processes.
  • Get buy-in from your team. It is important to get buy-in from your team before implementing AI tools. Explain to them how AI tools can help them to be more productive and successful.
  • Monitor the results. Once you have implemented AI tools, it is important to monitor the results closely. Make sure that the tools are working as expected and that they are meeting your needs.
  • Use AI tools to complement your team’s skills. AI tools should not be used to replace your team members. Instead, they should be used to complement their skills and help them to be more productive.
  • Be transparent with your customers. If you are using AI tools to interact with your customers, be transparent about it. Let your customers know how you are using AI and give them the option to opt out of AI-powered interactions.

By following these best practices, you can use AI tools effectively to improve your business.


AI tools can help businesses to be more efficient, effective, and competitive. By choosing the right tools for your needs and using them effectively, you can save time, improve your productivity, and achieve your business goals more easily.